Luxury of freedom


Excellent Products

“Try the many different heart healthy oils at Oljarna Pečarič. The hazelnut and walnut oils are made with nuts grown in the area.”

           Sandy & Will, Australia/UK

             Read full review here

In the heart of Metlika’s vineyards, the Pečarič family does not only offer excellent wines and comfortable accommodation for travellers, but also shares a tradition of oil production with their guests. The walnut oil, which was the first one the family produced, has come a long way to be part of this diverse variety today. From the first 350 walnut trees and over 300 hazelnut seedlings in 1990 the oil made its way out of the shadows and is now well known among tourists and herbalists in the area. The oil factory is located only 15 min drive from the BIG BERRY Resort. Visit the Pečarič family and experience their huge variety of oils to feel what good they can do for you.