Luxury of freedom

A product abundance at Kmetija Totter

If you are an admirer or let’s call it lover of dairy-based products, then visiting the place of Totter is something totally recommended.  Located in Bela Krajina, Totter is the newest BIG BERRY partner, a local producer of milk, various types of yoghurt, cheese and cottage cheese. In addition to that, there is also a developed mechanism of producing a few kinds of pork salami and also eggs from domestic hens. “All the products are locally made. The salamis are all made of pork - there is one with larger cut pieces, there is one with more finely minced meat. And all the meat is domestic, from my own pigs. Same goes for the eggs.” – Ciril, the owner shared.

The products are bio-ranked with a certificate, which grants for their high quality. In the mantra, one could see the process of preparing the ending products of cheese and yoghurt when began from scratch. “It is a longer process than one might think.” – He added.

In Totter one will find the right dairy product that fits their taste. There is pure yoghurt, vanilla yoghurt or vanilla with chocolate chips. The milk is also from cows and goats as well. In the mantra it is processed in a bio environment in order to fit people’s taste but also keep the bio quality of the product.

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